Private sector Partnerships


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Changing lives with Unilever and FCDO

In April 2020, in immediate response to the emerging Covid-19 pandemic, ActionAid joined the Hygiene and Behaviour Change Coalition (HBCC) led by Unilever and the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. The coalition involved 21 NGO partners seeking to tackle this global health crisis.

Across both Kenya and Nepal, ActionAid worked alongside women-led organisations to raise awareness of the Covid-19 virus and how to prevent infection; distribute vital resources like soap and PPE; provide access to water, and tackle gender-based violence and food insecurity.

By July 2021, ActionAid had reached more than 28 million people — mainly women and girls to provide both short-term respite and sustainable solutions as further waves affected each country.

Working with our friends in the corporate, public, and third sectors was essential for mounting a rapid and thorough response. ActionAid will take significant learnings from this into future humanitarian and development partnerships.

Learn more about this partnership

How ActionAid works

  We work with local staff in several countries around the world. Watch the video to learn more about our vision, mission, approach, and impact. 

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Top image: Lavender is part of the ActionAid-supported Nyangori Women's Network in Kenya, which gives legal support to survivors of violence. Karin Schermbrucker/ActionAid

Page updated 8 December 2023